Student Thesis research
Student thesis research at Djolu Technical College spans important local environmental and agricultural topics such as control of soil erosion, illegal sales of bushmeat from endangered species, impacts of hunting gear on the environment, comparison of mosaic disease-resistant cassava varieties, and the impact of agroforestry on crop yields compared to traditional agriculture.
Djolu graduates have researched social, economic or health-related dimensions of rural development, including family planning practices, childhood malnutrition, the contribution of non-timber forest products to household income, women's participation in decision-making at area nature reserves, and early childbearing as an obstacle to women's development.
Djolu graduates have researched social, economic or health-related dimensions of rural development, including family planning practices, childhood malnutrition, the contribution of non-timber forest products to household income, women's participation in decision-making at area nature reserves, and early childbearing as an obstacle to women's development.
Example Titles
- An analysis of constraints on rural women in Djolu Territory
- The issue of natural resource exploitation: environmental impacts of hunting in the Luo sector
- The impact of development organizations on Djolu Territory’s economic development
- An analysis of the achievements of the African Wildlife Foundation in Djolu Territory
- A comparative study of the yields of different mosaic-disease resistant cassava varieties in Djolu Territory
- An analysis of reasons for agricultural underproduction in the Lingomo sector
- Contribution of Cichlid fish from the Bolombo River to the diet of people in Djolu
- Population attitudes to an innovation introduced by the organization, Conservation of the Resources of Lingomo (CRL), in the Lingomo sector
- The impact of different caterpillar collection techniques in the Bofonge groupement, Djolu Territory
- The issue of malnutrition in a rural milieu: a study conducted in the Luo sector
- The problem of high birth rates in a rural environment (study conducted in the town of Djolu)
- An analysis of possibilities for creating a protected area in the Lingomo sector
- Impact of women’s involvement in development in the town of Djolu
- Erosion in the town of Djolu, erosive sites, investigation into causes and control methods
- Contribution to the study of mammalian game (study conducted in Djolu Territory)
- Comparison of crop yields between two methods of cultivation: slash-and-burn and agroforestry on two farms near the town of Djolu
- A study of ‘Bufo funereus’ dietary regime in Djolu town using the analysis of stomach contents
- A study of the bushmeat market in Djolu Territory, including the presence of primates and CITES species
- Gender participation in decision-making and profit-sharing in the three nature reserves of Djolu Territory
- A study of customary weddings in the Bongando tribe and its implications for family stability
- Epidemiologic approach to malnutrition in the context of primary health care for children
- The question of small and medium sized businesses and crafts in the development of Djolu Territory
- The impact of the NGO Vie Sauvage on improving socioeconomic conditions for the people of Kokolopori
- Analysis of the marketing of agricultural products sold in the central market of Djolu
- Contribution of non-timber forest products to the household income of the population of Lingomo
- Artisanal liquor 'Lotoko' and its impact on the rural population of Djolu
- Economic behavior of women food vendors in the central market of Djolu
- Identification of income-generating activities of households in the town of Djolu
- The contribution of churches in the development of the territory of Djolu
- Construction of camps in the forest of Luo sector and their impact on the environment
- Impact of hunting gear on the environment: A study conducted in the territory of Djolu
- Consequences of early childbearing: An obstacle to the development of women
- Observations on the behavior of improved varieties of cassava in the soil and climatic conditions of Djolu
- Impact of water pollution on some aspects of the environment of Lingomo sector
- Exploitation of wild mushrooms: scope and limitations at Kokolopori
- Inventory of the biodiversity of the Kokolopori Bonobo Nature Reserve
- Analysis of small-scale processing of agricultural products: A study conducted in the town of Djolu
- The problem of increased births in Djolu Territory: Study conducted in the Luo sector
- Assessment of damage caused by African swine fever on pig farming in Djolu town
- The issue of shifting agriculture and biodiversity management in the town of Djolu
- Honey extraction technique used by the Bongando population and its impact on the environment (study conducted in the territory of Djolu)
- The problem of deforestation and water sources in a rural milieu
- Impacts of climate change on the socio-economic life of the population of Djolu
- Marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFP), in particular edible caterpillars, in the town of Djolu
- Climate change: A challenge for the development of Djolu
- Iyondje population’s attitudes toward AWF (see footnote 1) conservation programs
- Fauna and autecology of lizards of the town of Djolu and its hinterland
- Effect of the local production of alcohol on the shortage of cassava
- A study of conservation techniques used to store caterpillars by the people of Bokumbo
- Mobilization of resources for community development: A case study
- Preliminary classification of NTFPs developed by communities in the Bimbi groupement
- Problems of the precocious marriages in Djolu
- Analysis of the impact of demographic change in Djolu
- A study of the environmental impact of NTFP development in Nkokolombo
- Problems of loss of musical cultural values in Djolu.
- Malnutrition and problems of rural development : A case study
- An evaluation of the Max Planck Institute (see footnote 2) project in Kokolopori Nature Reserve
- The problem of schooling children in rural areas: a study in Iyondji groupement, Luo Sector
- Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding contraception in women of reproductive age: a study in Djolu
- Management of the post-partum period in mothers immediately after childbirth
- A study of the prevention of malarial fever in children age 0 - 59 months
- The problem of protein-energy malnutrition in children aged 0 – 5 years
- Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding exclusive breastfeeding of infants 0 to 6 months in the town of Djolu
- Knowledge, attitudes and practices of rural parents regarding risk of malarial infection
- Knowledge, attitudes and practices of youth aged 14-35 regarding sexual behavior and the risk of HIV/AIDS in Djolu
- Childhood morbidity and mortality due to malaria in the Djolu health zone: a study conducted at Likonda
- An assessment of the use of contraceptives by Djolu students
- A study of the treatment of infectious transmissible diseases at the Djolu GHR (see footnote 3)
- Frequency and prognosis of successful delivery among primiparous women at the Djolu GHR
- Incidence and treatment of snake bites at GHR from 2010-2017
- Incidence of anemia among infants: A case study at GHR
- An assessment of the treatment of malaria in the GHR of Djolu
- Prenatal consultations attendance at the GHR of Djolu
- Clinic hygiene in rural areas: A case study
1. African Wildlife Foundation
2. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
3. General Referral Hospital, the district hospital in Djolu