One of CEP’s priorities is supporting women’s education and leadership by women.
We do this through scholarships and by supporting Djolu Technical College programs that develop, encourage and support female students. DTC’s Women’s Leadership Pipeline is a mentoring program for women students at DTC that works to recruit and support women students and promote the importance of women’s empowerment to surrounding communities.
We do this through scholarships and by supporting Djolu Technical College programs that develop, encourage and support female students. DTC’s Women’s Leadership Pipeline is a mentoring program for women students at DTC that works to recruit and support women students and promote the importance of women’s empowerment to surrounding communities.
In a context like rural Congo, where there are many barriers to higher education for women and men, women face many additional obstacles due to gender-related expectations and cultural norms. At the same time, research has shown that educating women and girls is critical in order to build communities that are more resilient to the impacts of climate change because they have the knowledge and skills to combat deforestation and adapt farming methods to new climate patterns.
Women bear the brunt of climate-related disasters and they also play a major role in protecting their families and communities when disaster hits. The more power women have in a society, the more resilient it is to climate related impacts. Studies have also shown that women in leadership positions have a greater tendency to promote policies that protect the environment and their communities. |
"Education is so important for the future of women in our region - so they can rise out of domination, and so they can learn the methods that will allow them to successfully intervene
in the environment at the level of agriculture and forestry... and to do that, they must also learn how to maintain the health of their families. Djolu Technical College is the only institution of higher education that provides this type of education in...the province of Tshuapa." Albert Lokasola Founder of Djolu Technical College
At CEP, we imagine a brighter future where women have the resources and support they need to help lead future generations out of the climate crisis. And educating women is one of the most effective strategies to lead us all to that brighter future. In fact, when you pair education with access to family planning, educating women becomes one of the most powerful tools we have to save the planet. Because these two strategies combined result in slower population growth, more resilient forests, and healthier, stronger women, families, and communities.